Life Is Magically Colorful!

Your choice of color or colors to wear and use, tells the story of the current phase in your life or the emotions that you are going through at a particular moment.
beauty the golden space malaysia

Beauty Inside Out

Whether you're a woman or man, you can make yourself beautiful by following certain basic practices that shine your beauty from the inside. Isn’t it perfect to have an inner glow and an outer radiance?

It’s Not About The "A"s

High school life seemed like a pretty long time – 5 years – at an earlier point of school life, but as I approached the end of my high school years, I found myself asking, “What just happened?”

Create An Energy Protection Bubble In 5 Minutes!

Everything including your body is energy. Do you know that you can manage and protect your own energy to feel positive and enhance your well-being?

Earth Energy Prediction: Jul-Sep 2020

Changes and transformation are sweeping the Earth and its population - spiritually, socially, economically and politically. Old beliefs and systems will go and there’ll be a surge of awakening.
body mind soul

Welcome To The New Earth

With all the changes happening in the world since the beginning of 2020, humans are being pushed to face ourselves. What can we do now?- 2 Min Read

Earth Energy Prediction: Apr-Jun 2020

Get ready for the shift in reality that’s about to come. Don’t let your expectations limit your understanding, for the human journey is about learning to manifest and becoming limitless.

What Matters Most Now? RECONNECT & RESET!

Parents and teenagers, check out these suggestions to create quality time at home during the MCO! For now and your future!

What If Everything Turns Out For The Best?

So, what is anxiety, and how can we overcome it? How can we consciously find the balance point between complete alarmism and ignorant nonchalance during these uncertain times?

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